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Interpretation of "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Quality Improvement of Manufacturing Products and Services"

Release time:2024-09-27click:0
On August 29, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Quality Improvement of Manufacturing Products and Services" (Industry and Information Ministry Section [2019] No. 188, hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions"). The relevant content of the "Implementation Opinions" is interpreted as follows:
1. The background of the "Implementation Opinions"
The manufacturing industry is the main body of the national economy. Building a competitive manufacturing industry is the only way for our country to improve its comprehensive national strength, ensure national security, and build a world power. Quality represents the degree to which supply meets demand, is related to the quality and efficiency of supply-side development, and affects the sense of gain, happiness and security on the demand side. Improving the quality of products and services is the foundation for high-quality development of the manufacturing industry and the lifeline of building a strong manufacturing country. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that in building a modern economic system, we must focus on economic development on the real economy, take improving the quality of the supply system as the main direction, and significantly enhance the quality advantage of our economy. The Central Economic Work Conference listed "striving to meet end-use demand and improve product quality" as a key task in 2019, highlighting the importance and urgency of quality improvement.
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China 70 years ago, especially over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, my country’s manufacturing industry has continued to develop rapidly, built a complete, independent and complete industrial system, and has become a major manufacturing country in the world. However, the overall quality level of the manufacturing industry is still not high, and there is still a gap compared with the tasks of satisfying people's better lives and creating quality advantages in industrial competition. To implement the requirements for high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, we must prioritize quality and efficiency, strengthen quality brand building, and promote quality, efficiency, and power changes in the manufacturing industry.
The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to quality work. In 2017, they issued the "Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Carrying out Quality Improvement Actions" to make comprehensive arrangements for quality improvement actions. The 2019 Government Work Report proposed to "promote the connection between standards and advanced levels, improve the quality of products and services, and allow more domestic and foreign users to choose Chinese manufacturing and Chinese services." The 2019 National Industrial and Information Technology Work Conference also clearly stated the task of vigorously promoting quality improvement.
The "Implementation Opinions" are important measures to implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, promote quality reform, improve supply quality, and promote high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. It is an important measure to address outstanding quality issues in the manufacturing industry. , Accelerate work measures and arrangements to improve the quality of manufacturing products and services. The issuance of the "Implementation Opinions" will help promote all relevant parties to grasp the new situation and new requirements of quality work, unify their thinking, raise awareness, and enhance synergy. It is conducive to the industrial and information technology departments at all levels to increase quality work, strengthen policy guidance and support, and willWork with all sectors of society to promote the implementation of quality responsibilities, enhance the motivation for quality improvement, optimize the quality development environment, and accelerate the quality improvement of key industries. It is conducive to enhancing the quality competitive advantage of China's manufacturing, promoting the transformation of China's manufacturing to China's creation, China's speed to China's quality, and China's products to China's brand.
2. Overall Idea
The "Overall Requirements" part of the "Implementation Opinions" puts forward the guiding ideology, basic principles and main goals.
In the "Guiding Thoughts", it is emphasized that we must adhere to the guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Firmly establish a new development concept, adhere to the supply-side structural reform as the main line, aim to improve the quality and efficiency of the manufacturing industry, and promote the improvement of the quality of manufacturing products and services. In view of the more prominent issues affecting quality improvement such as the weakening of corporate quality awareness, low cost of quality breach, the need to improve the high-price environment, and insufficient motivation for corporate quality improvement, it is proposed to implement the main responsibility of corporate quality, enhance the motivation for quality improvement, and optimize the quality development environment and cultivating new competitive advantages in the manufacturing industry as the central task of quality improvement actions in the coming period.
In the "Basic Principles", it is proposed to adhere to the "four combinations". First, we insist on combining quality improvement with meeting needs. Based on the perspective of applicability quality, it is emphasized that quality improvement should serve to enhance industrial competitiveness and meet people's needs. The second is to adhere to the combination of corporate entities and the creation of an environment. Emphasize that quality improvement is the unity of micro and macro. It must not only adhere to the main body of enterprises, but also give full play to the joint efforts of the government and all sectors of society. The third is to adhere to the combination of technological innovation and management innovation. Emphasize the need for two-wheel drive of technology and management, and promote quality improvement through management innovation and technological innovation. The fourth is to adhere to the combination of comprehensive promotion and industry-specific policies. Emphasize the combination of key points and aspects, and while promoting the overall quality improvement of the manufacturing industry, focus on the shortcomings of industrial quality and implement policies to achieve key breakthroughs.
In the "Main Goals", it is determined that "by 2022, the overall level of manufacturing quality will be significantly improved, the basic quality support capabilities will be significantly improved, the quality development environment will continue to be optimized, and the industry quality work system will be significantly improved. "More" key task directions. At the same time, it is clarified that in order to improve quality and brand competitiveness, "build a number of coordinated and supporting standards for national standards, industry standards and group standards"To improve the quality of a group of industries, promote the establishment of a quality grading working mechanism in no less than 10 industries or fields, and improve the quality traceability mechanism for the entire life cycle of key products" and other quality work goals.
3. Main Measures
The "Implementation Opinions" follow the scientific laws of quality improvement, from internal factors to external factors, from enterprises to industries, focusing on implementing the main responsibility of enterprise quality, enhancing the motivation for quality improvement, optimizing the quality development environment and Thirteen action measures have been proposed in four aspects, including accelerating the quality improvement of key industries. The main body to perform quality responsibilities in accordance with the law. Enterprises must implement legal responsibilities for quality throughout the entire production and operation process and the entire product life cycle, enhance the ability to perform quality responsibilities, and continuously improve quality. The "Implementation Opinions" emphasize the "Product Quality Law" and other relevant laws and regulations. On the basis of the statutory requirements for enterprises, it is further proposed:
 First, it is necessary to improve the quality and safety risk prevention and control capabilities It is necessary to enhance the awareness of quality and safety risks and implement major quality. Accident reporting and emergency response system. The second is to implement the quality responsibility traceability system. Establish and improve the quality traceability mechanism for the entire product life cycle, improve the quality traceability means and content, and strengthen the linkage with defective product recalls. < strong>The third is to strengthen supply chain quality management. Establish and improve the second-party quality audit system to improve the quality level of the supply chain. The fourth is to strengthen the disclosure of quality information Make self-declarations regarding service quality and accept social supervision. The fifth is to promote the construction of quality culture. Encourage enterprises to set up quality officers, promote the business philosophy of quality first, and improve the quality awareness of all employees.
The quality traceability mechanism is an important guarantee for the implementation of quality responsibility. It guides enterprises to use new generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things to establish and improve quality traceability mechanisms to achieve comprehensive, accurate and accurate transmission of quality information, which helps to decompose and implement quality. Responsibility, quickly locate and solve quality problems, thereby promoting quality improvement on the supply side and enhancing consumer confidence on the demand side. Supply chain quality management is an important part of playing the role of market players in promoting quality improvement. It shows that about 80% of the quality problems of some equipment products originate from purchased parts. Guide key enterprises to review and supervise the quality, technology, process, equipment and personnel factors of important suppliers, and guide improvements to build win-win cooperation suppliers. Management model is very necessary
 (2) Enhance the power of quality improvement
With the rapid development of economy and society, enterprises only provide products and services that meet the bottom line of quality and safety, and cannot meet the needs of people for a better life. , and it is difficult to obtain quality competitive advantage. It is necessary to give full play to the comprehensive role of standards-driven, technical support and brand promotion to guide enterprises to pursue competitive quality and cultivate attractive brands.
 First, drive quality improvement through standards. Improve the synergy and supporting nature of upstream and downstream industry standards, and encourage enterprises and social groups to formulate standards that meet multi-level market needs and innovation needs. Support innovative, advanced and unique group standard application demonstrations. Actively benchmark against advanced levels to promote high-quality development of the industry. The second is to support quality improvement through technological upgrading. Encourage enterprises to apply new technologies, new methods, and new processes to enrich product categories and improve product quality design and process control capabilities. Support enterprises to establish a full-process quality control system based on digitalization, networking, and intelligence to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of quality improvement. The third is to promote quality improvement through cultivating brands. Promote enterprises to establish brand development strategies with quality as the connotation, implement brand cultivation management system standards, and enhance brand cultivation capabilities. Promote the construction of regional brands in industrial clusters and promote the leap of enterprises and industries from "qualified quality" to the pursuit of "user satisfaction".
Standards are the cornerstone of quality improvement. Promoting the construction of a number of coordinated and supporting standards groups of national standards, industry standards and group standards is an important means to promote quality improvement. Through the formulation and promulgation of advanced standards, product quality will be improved and the industry will move towards the middle stage. Through strict implementation of standards, "hard constraints" on quality are formed and "soft power" on quality is enhanced, forcing traditional industries to upgrade and emerging industries to develop.
 (3) Optimizing the quality development environment
 Quality improvement is a systematic project, which involves factors such as technological innovation, management innovation, resource allocation and labor quality. The integration is also a comprehensive reflection of the legal environment, business environment, integrity system construction and other aspects. Promoting quality improvement also requires the government and social organizations to play an active role in policy guidance, supervision and management, public services, quality infrastructure construction, etc., to jointly create a good atmosphere in which enterprises pursue high quality and society advocates high quality.
First, promote and improve the quality grading system. Encourage industry associations and professional institutions to openly and fairly promote qualityQuality graded evaluation, making complex quality information explicit through professional judgment, providing technical support for improving the premium price market mechanism. The second is to strengthen the construction of quality integrity system. Establish an information sharing mechanism for consumer complaints, product recalls, etc. Guide the industry to warn and improve common quality problems, and work together to build a fair, just, open, orderly market competition environment based on quality and integrity. The third is to enhance basic quality capabilities. Give full play to the role of public service platforms based on various industrial technologies and increase the supply of quality and brand services to small, medium and micro enterprises. The fourth is to accelerate the development of producer services. Guide related producer service industries to expand their fields, enhance their capabilities, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, and provide high-level professional services to industries and enterprises.
Quality grading is an activity that uses technical standards and technical methods to identify and judge product quality and factors in the entire process of quality formation. Quality grading helps to make the value of high-quality products explicit and provides technical support for the premium price mechanism. Carrying out professional quality grading evaluation of industrial products will help guide downstream enterprises to classify purchases according to quality sensitivity. The quality graded evaluation of consumer products is conducive to commercial channels, e-commerce platforms and media organizations accepting the evaluation results and guiding scientific consumption.
 (4) Accelerate the quality improvement of key industries
 Quality improvement is the central task of industrial structure optimization and supply-side structural reform. The quality status of different industries is different, and the existing quality shortcomings and bottlenecks are also different. It is necessary to focus on outstanding quality issues in the industry, implement policies, and make key breakthroughs.
For the raw material industry, based on improving the stability, consistency and durability of product quality, increase the effective supply of high-performance, functional and differentiated products, and promote cleaner production processes, Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and material innovation, eliminate low-quality production capacity, support the development of new materials and application industries such as rare earths, and improve the quality of supply.
For the equipment manufacturing industry, based on improving product quality reliability and stability, the implementation of strong foundation projects focuses on solving basic parts, electronic components, industrial software and other fields We should develop intelligent manufacturing, promote green manufacturing, improve the automation and intelligence level of the production process, reduce energy, material and water consumption, and promote the improvement of quality competitiveness in key areas.
For the consumer goods industry, based on meeting high-quality and differentiated consumer demand, we will formulate and publish guidelines for upgrading and innovative consumer goods, develop personalized customization, and promote the transformation of product supply to "products + services" , Promote consumption upgrade. Strengthen focusCompare the quality and performance of products with foreign products to speed up the improvement of quality and safety levels in key areas and reassure consumers.
For the information technology industry, in order to promote the industry to move towards the middle stage, strengthen the construction of innovation centers such as integrated circuits, information optoelectronics, smart sensors, printing and flexible displays, and accelerate development 5G and IoT-related industries should strengthen the construction of new infrastructure for the industrial Internet, develop the ultra-high-definition video industry, standardize the management of smart terminal applications, improve the user experience of products and services, and guide the upgrade of information consumption.
4. Safeguard Measures
The "Implementation Opinions" put forward safeguard measures from three aspects: organizational implementation, talent training, and publicity and guidance.
In terms of organizational implementation, it is emphasized that we must adhere to the principles of enterprise subject, government guidance, and social co-governance, and strengthen departmental coordination. Local industry and information technology departments should formulate relevant supporting policies and incentive measures to promote quality improvement in the region based on actual conditions, increase investment in quality brand work, and strengthen the construction of quality brand work teams. Industry associations should further promote mass quality activities and establish a long-term publicity and promotion mechanism for advanced quality brand management experience in the industry.
In terms of accelerating talent training, it is emphasized to promote the construction of quality and brand-related professional disciplines and courses, strengthen professional skills and quality brand talent training, and improve industry quality awareness and professional quality levels. Accelerate the training of management personnel such as quality officers, brand officers and brand managers to meet the talent needs of enterprises for quality improvement. Encourage enterprises to improve the quality and quality of their employees and cultivate knowledge-based, skill-based, and innovative quality backbones and technical experts.
In terms of strengthening publicity and guidance, it is emphasized that the overall planning and systematic promotion of quality and brand publicity should be strengthened, and a working mechanism for collecting and summarizing relevant information and collaborative media publicity should be established. Guide enterprises and industrial clusters to pursue and pay attention to new needs such as green and low-carbon, sustainable development, and consumer friendliness. Combined with quality benchmarking, individual projects, specialization and special new work, we will deeply explore the outstanding results and typical experiences of promoting quality improvement. Strengthen publicity and mobilization in conjunction with activities such as China Brand Day, Quality Month, and World Standards Day. Combined with activities such as the China Industrial Brand Tour, Brand Story Contest, and Brand Innovation Achievements Release to expand the communication effect. Research and refine the spiritual connotation and cultural characteristics of Made in China, demonstrate the charm of Chinese brands, and establish a new image of Made in China.

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